
  • "De officielle kostråd" - Fødevarestyrelsen

    Together with ad agency "AdVice" I made the images and content for Fødevarestyrelsens 2021 "De officielle kostråd". "Less meat and more vegetables, legumes and whole grains. This is the 2021 plan for Denmark's new official dietary advice.

  • Snap pack - Carlsberg

    Produced images for the new “snap-pack”

  • Distortion - Royal Unibrew

    Distortion is the biggest blockparty in Europe with Royal Unibrew as the largest sponsor. Distortion is four days with a lot of mess, noise and thousands of people blocking the streets. Alot of people is not only willingly but altso unwillingly a part of the party, and Distortion and Royal therefore wanted to say thank you. Posters with portraits of the people behind the party and the ones affected by it, was put up around the city with the simple message: Thank you!

  • New brand identity - Telmore

    Colorfull and playfull new identity for Denmark's first online telecommunications company - Telmore

  • Passion for blue

    Passion for blue - Royal Copenhagen

    Taking inspiration from the sea and the three waves representing "Royal Copenhagen" was key in their new collection "HAV". For their website A passion for blue I made pictures for "Three waves", "Pattern NO.1" & "A delicate craft”

  • Dansk Bold Union - DBU

    DBU asked me to create unique content for their website and for the users to use on the background of the soccer clubs homepages. The assignment was to take picture on, at, in and next to anything that had to do with soccer. The pictures had to look like everywhere and nowhere, so no club or player would feel left outside or wouldn't be able to imagine him or herself there. This is the work of several early and cold mornings and quick sunsets in the afternoon.